Solid Waste Association of North America
As June is National Safety Month in the US,
SWANA encourages all our members and others to take the pledge.
SWANA Safety Pledge
As part of our Annual Meeting, which will take place June 11, 2024, at 8:00 am via TEAMS. We will vote on a slate of proposed Officers & Directors submitted for consideration by our Nominating Committee.
NNE Steve Parker Scholarship is now available. Please use the link below to access the scholarship application. If you have questions, please contact Amanda Wade @ 207-242-2939 or email awade@trccompanies.com.
Announcement – 2024 NNE Steve Parker Scholarship
Completed applications must be returned no later than May 1, 2024
We are pleased to once again be partnering with the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) on the 10th annual “Talking Trash” Conference on Wednesday, April 10,2024. The meeting will include current topics in the solid waste industry in New England. Additional information and links to register for the meeting can be found below.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Paul Schmidt
SWANA NNE President
(Click below to Register)
EBC 10th Annual New England Regional “Talking Trash” Conference
Innovation & Investment
The 10th Annual “Talking Trash” Conference will bring both Southern and Northern New England representatives to the table to share updates and build knowledge and insight into the waste management industry in the region. Roundtables of industry experts will discuss regional innovation in solid waste management and investment in new technologies and industry analysts will provide insight into recent mergers and acquisitions changing the business landscape in the region.
This event is a must-attend for waste professionals for both excellent networking and knowledge building. Attendees will turn insights learned at the conference into tangible strategies for their business.
Registration includes a networking lunch as well as the opportunity to tour UTEC’s Woodworking Social Enterprise where “young adults … are developing professional and socio-emotional skills to carve out better futures for themselves”.
Lunch is included with registration. Please email EBC with any dietary restrictions.
General Continuing Education Certificates are awarded by the EBC for this program (2.5 training contact hours). Certificates are automatically provided via email link for registered attendees at the conclusion of the program.
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Networking: 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Program: 9:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
(Click here to add to google calendar)
(Click here to add to iCalendar)
35 Warren Street
Lowell, MA 01852
Conference Agenda:
Consolidation within the Industry
Setting the Stage: Investments in infrastructure and innovation
Innovations & Investments: Moderated roundtable
Lunch Break Optional Site Visit to UTEC’s Woodworking Social Enterprise Adjourn Conference Schedule:
Conference Moderators:
Conference Planning Team:
c/o ecomaine
64 Blueberry Rd.
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 523-3100